Reko International Group Featured by Trillium Network

On the shop floor of Reko International, two monumental machining centres stand silent witness to the company’s legacy, resilience, and innovation.

Dubbed in their Hungarian names which translate into bear and bull, these 15 metre tall machine tool artifacts symbolize the company’s evolution from a small automotive mould shop into a diversified and technology-driven automation and machining company. They also keep alive the legacy of Steve Reko, who founded the company in 1976.

Reko International is a diversified, technology-driven manufacturing organization that employs 200 people at its three side-by-side buildings in the Windsor suburb of Lakeshore. The company is organized into two divisions, focusing on automation systems and precision machining of large critical parts. The automation division specializes in plastic welding technologies primarily for the automotive industry and it has been the fastest growing segment of the company thanks to its recent innovations in flexible automation.

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